Yuval Noah Harari | Free-Will | "What Happens If the Government and the Corporation Cannot Just Anticipate the Will and Desire of the Voters and Customers, But Can Also Manipulate and Control Them?"
Yuval Noah Harari | "We Can Now Produce Killer Robots, Machines That Can Decide Who Is An Enemy, and Who to Kill. Machines That Can Decide Who Is An Enemy, and Who to Kill."
Ian Smith | New Jersey Gym Owner Gets Destroyed In Embarrassing 3 On 1 Arm Wrestling Defeat to David Whited, Seth Keshel and Clay Clark (Next Up...Klaus Schwab)!!!
Yuval Noah Harari | Silicon Valley, This Is Where the New Religions Are Being Created by People Like Ray Kurzweil. These Are the Religions That Will Take Over the World
Yuval Noah Harari | China | "Many of the Things I Talk About and People In the West React with Fear, In China the Reaction to Exactly the Same Topics Is Excitement. WOW, We Can Do That!"
Yuval Noah Harari | The Final Step | Why Did Yuval Say, "The Final Step Is to Connect Amazon to Biometric Sensors & Then Amazon Will Know The Exact Emotional Impact of Every Sentence You Read In the Book?"
Yuval Noah Harari | Why Did Yuval Noah Harari Say, "Authority & Power Will Shift Away from Humans to Computers & Most Humans Will Become Economically Useless & Politically Powerless?"
Yuval Noah Harari | "Humankind Might Split Into Biological Casts and for the First Time In History It Will Be Possible to Translate Economic Inequality Into Biological Inequality"
Yuval Noah Harari | Why Did Yuval State the Following? "If You Look at the Economic System. The Most Successful Story Ever Told Is the Story of Money."
The Great Reset | Why Did Franklin D. Kramer State, "The Focus Is On the Internet of Bodies Involving Medical Implants and Other Kinds of Implants That Go Inside Your Body?"
Climate Change | "To Solve the Climate Crisis We Will Have to Give Up Some of Our Most Cherished Needs." - Yuval Noah Harari | "You've Probably Heard That 97% of Scientists Have Agreed That Humans Are Responsible for Climate Change?
Yuval Noah Harari | "A.I. Is the First Invention In History Which Threatens to Take Away Power from Humans." "With Artificial Intelligence We Are Summoning the Demon." - Elon Musk (The Co-Founder of OpenAI which Received a $1 Billion I
Yuval Noah Harari | Meat Consumption | "Most People Believe That Humans Have Some Kind of Superior Consciousness Which Justifies the Way We Treat Billions of Other Animals. This Unproven Theory May Have Caused More Suffering Than Any Other Single Ide