Producing Nazis in the U.S. Government: Hiring Already Systemically Infected Without-Integrity Pities and Eventually Introducing Them to the “Golden Handcuffs”. Mimic Not Their Victim and Shortage Consciousness—You Often DO!
Ooooohhh……… | A Word to the Wise: No More Secrecy “for the Better of the People”, No More Neo-Con Deal-Making to Avoid Rocking the Boat, and No More Playing Good Illuminati Vs. Bad Illuminati.. if You Know What’s Good for Ya…
Alex “Off the Deep End” (6/6/23): Inter-Dimensional Beings, Demons, Light Frequencies Your 3rd Dimensional Avatar/Biological Body isn’t Designed to See, Plant Medicine, and More. — #RealTalk for the Final Battle for 5D!
Quicken the Harmony Between You Both by Allowing Them Their Path of Experiential Learning Rather Than Over-Insisting They do it Your Way. ONE [EVEN NO] SUGGESTION IS ENOUGH. | Bashar on Why There’s No Need for That, Nor is it in Their Best Interest!
Spiritual Teachers Don’t Coddle and “Safe Space” You into Awakening, and They DO Have Requirements for Those Who are Serious and Deliberate About Their Spiritual Journey—as Opposed to the Normie Who Journeys Unknowingly with CRIPPLING Programming.
I’ll be Contributing to the Discussion of Why Women Subconsciously Love to Hate on Other Women, in an Upcoming Podcast. This is One of Various Reasons Why. | Roseanne & Mo’Nique
Sometimes Life’s a Bitch and Being a Bitch Right Back to it is Just You Actually Having Inner-Peace About it All! | Why Roseanne Resonated with Audiences So Much. #ShowClip #Sitcom #CuzIWantTo #LifesABitchAndSoAmI #Shorts
Fake News, or Actually Real? I Mean, Even if Real, What Person Asks a Young Adult ‘Why Your Dad, is Your Dad Your Superhero?’ That Infantile Babying Question Will Make Most Laugh—When the Truth is Over 50% Probably Can’t Wait to Escape Them!
The Gift is Your Position to Play a Role Outside of Source to be a Force in Expansion, and You Said Yes with Excitement—Be Grateful. Getting Caught up in the Illusion of the Role Results in Being Stuck on the Karmic Wheel. Heal Within and Thus Without!
When the Christians 'Come for Me' and I Reserve the Right to [Offensively] RIP Them for Their Arbitrarity and Knowing—NOT. A. THING. | #Mood #Humor #Shorts #Flypaper
We Run Things Like a Masonic Lodge of Knowledge with Restrictions on Declared Poor Behavioral Vibrations Here at ‘WE in 5D’—If That’s a Visible Problem with That Revealed on Our #Flypaper, the Flypaper is Discarded.
You are Victim to NO-ONE and NO-THING. — Foul Mouthed Spiritualist | WE in 5D: You’ll Have to End Spiritually Rejecting This Factor and Reclaim Yourself. You Can Prove Your Sovereignty When Lockdowns Hit, as the Universe Happens for You, Not to You!
Sacha Stone’s Digital Workshop Live on Patriot Streetfighter | The Weaponizing of Public Health, Healthcare, and Hiding Cures! But These “Demons” are Your Helpers—They are the Contrast Required for [Growth = Possibly the TOP Law in the Universe].
How to Tell Life You’re Done with That Lesson (it’s Actually SO Easy) + The Simplest Way to Change Your Life! — Phil Good | #Shorts #SoEasy #InLessThan60Seconds