United Nations are in the UK World leaders met up recently, something is happening 🤔 UN have no reason to be in the UK 🇬🇧 orther than expecting trouble of some discrimination.
Tens of thousands on the streets of Prague today as Czechs hit out against the handling of the energy crisis and the sanctions on Russia, demanding the country leave the EU and NATO.
Your favorite dictator is up to his old tricks. Telling everyone to get j☠️bbed up so we'll have a much better Winter this year than last year. I know what I'm going to do this year not comply AGAIN!
Mass Covid Testing in China We know without any doubt that this mess testing is “BS science”, it cannot provide useful information. Knowing this, the video is extremely disturbing because everyone is going along with a charade.
Dystopian Surveillance State Is "Now Possible" - Yuval Noah Harari, Lead Advisor to Klaus Schwab "Dictators always dreamt about completely eliminating privacy, monitoring everybody all the time and knowing everything you do