You can't make this shit up. Dem Pritzker: "Trump sits around all day & doesn't actually do much. He's got to go out & do some work. Kamala answers questions along the way when she's moving from one place to another."
Q: "President Trump says that you've had 4 years as Vice President to do all the things you promised during the campaign, but haven't done it. Is he right?" Democrat Kamala Harris: "Let me start with this" word salad...
Port Strike | "Every Single Port Will Lock Down. Do You Know What Is Going to Happen? Guys Who Sell Cars, Can't Sell Cars. Malls Start Closing Down. Everything In the U.S. Comes In On A Ship." - Harold Daggett (Leader of ILA)
Joe Rogan & Donald J. Trump Interview Highlights | "Once They Shot You. I Was Like He's Got to Come In Here. It's All About the Timing. The Timing Is Perfect. Do You Even Have a Scar On Your Ear?"
Joe Rogan & Donald J. Trump Interview Highlights | "I Have a Theory, These Pollsters, They Charge Half a Million Bucks to Do Some Stupid Poll & They Interview 251 People. I Don't Think They Interview Them."
O líder do partido espanhol VOX e do Bloco Patriótico, falou que em ditaduras "utilizam juízes a serviço de um poder político" ao descrever o Brasil citando Bolsonaro como vítima deste sistema.