"2024 is the Final Battle!" — [WE in 5D Side Note: “Final Battle” for a Less Lengthy Timeline; Otherwise We are Still Bottlenecked into 5D!] | President Trump’s Latest Ad (5/21/23)
Donuts and Wine in a Gorgeous 4-Floor English Furniture Gallery & Rooftop Restaurant/Bar in West Palm Beach, FL.. for my Birthday. #CuzIwantTo #TreatYourself #WhoElseWill #EveryoneWillAftetrYouDoBecauseEverythingISaReflection #TruthAndHumor #Age41
The Infamous Alex Jones Song “I’m Angry”. | When Someone put Music to Alex’s Real Words to Make fun of Him, Alex put Video to the Music and Showed—#AlexWasRight
Lindsey Graham Mercilessly Booed While at Trump Rally! | WTF is Trump Still Associating with This Guy—Are We Serious About Being EVERYTHING We Weren’t in Term One, or WHAT? NO MORE BARGAININGS AND SUCH, WHATSOEVER. NOT AN INCH!
When the Christians 'Come for Me' and I Reserve the Right to [Offensively] RIP Them for Their Arbitrarity and Knowing—NOT. A. THING. | #Mood #Humor #Shorts #Flypaper
RFK Jr. on His Son’s Ayahuasca Journey | While Trump is the Most Centrist (it Just Means Sane) Republican, and Even the Most Centrist President of any Party in a Long Time, RFK Jr. is the Balance Ideal in a Hypothetical Trump/Kennedy Run.
Sacha Stone’s Digital Workshop Live on Patriot Streetfighter | The Weaponizing of Public Health, Healthcare, and Hiding Cures! But These “Demons” are Your Helpers—They are the Contrast Required for [Growth = Possibly the TOP Law in the Universe].
How to Tell Life You’re Done with That Lesson (it’s Actually SO Easy) + The Simplest Way to Change Your Life! — Phil Good | #Shorts #SoEasy #InLessThan60Seconds
Producing Nazis in the U.S. Government: Hiring Already Systemically Infected Without-Integrity Pities and Eventually Introducing Them to the “Golden Handcuffs”. Mimic Not Their Victim and Shortage Consciousness—You Often DO!