1. Christian PROVES Jesus Is GOD With Allah On The THRONE | Sam Shamoun

    Christian PROVES Jesus Is GOD With Allah On The THRONE | Sam Shamoun

  2. Crazymaking, Gaslighting Malignant Narcissist: Do We Have an In-house Perp? | Targeting Programme | J. D. Gallé, neoremonstrance

    Crazymaking, Gaslighting Malignant Narcissist: Do We Have an In-house Perp? | Targeting Programme | J. D. Gallé, neoremonstrance

  3. August 30 Evening Devotional | The Great Physician Heals You | Morning and Evening by Spurgeon

    August 30 Evening Devotional | The Great Physician Heals You | Morning and Evening by Spurgeon

  4. John 3.16–21, 35–36: a Remonstrant’s Revised Rendering (or, an Alternate Arminian Translation) | J. D. Gallé, neoremonstrance

    John 3.16–21, 35–36: a Remonstrant’s Revised Rendering (or, an Alternate Arminian Translation) | J. D. Gallé, neoremonstrance

  5. Renouncement of a Malignant Narcissist: or, Renunciation of a Wicked Human Being | J. D. Gallé, neoremonstrance

    Renouncement of a Malignant Narcissist: or, Renunciation of a Wicked Human Being | J. D. Gallé, neoremonstrance

  6. Jesus Christ | Pt.6 | Exploring The Godhead: What You Won’t Believe!

    Jesus Christ | Pt.6 | Exploring The Godhead: What You Won’t Believe!

  7. Muslim Woman CHALLENGES Christian... And FAILS MISERABLY | Sam Shamoun

    Muslim Woman CHALLENGES Christian... And FAILS MISERABLY | Sam Shamoun

  8. Muslim Sheikh GETS CORRECTED On Jesus Virgin Birth | Sam Shamoun

    Muslim Sheikh GETS CORRECTED On Jesus Virgin Birth | Sam Shamoun

  9. The Principal Point of Contention between Arminian and Calvinistic Soteriologies | J. D. Gallé, neoremonstrance

    The Principal Point of Contention between Arminian and Calvinistic Soteriologies | J. D. Gallé, neoremonstrance

  10. The Lord Jesus Christ Is above Every Authority, Detestation of Tyrants Notwithstanding | J. D. Gallé, neoremonstrance

    The Lord Jesus Christ Is above Every Authority, Detestation of Tyrants Notwithstanding | J. D. Gallé, neoremonstrance

  11. Christian PROVES Jesus is MORE THEN a Prophet & DIVINE In The QURAN | Sam Shamoun

    Christian PROVES Jesus is MORE THEN a Prophet & DIVINE In The QURAN | Sam Shamoun

  12. Phoney God-lovers and (What Should Be) the Obvious Incongruity between Loving God and Contemning Truth | J. D. Gallé, neoremonstrance

    Phoney God-lovers and (What Should Be) the Obvious Incongruity between Loving God and Contemning Truth | J. D. Gallé, neoremonstrance

  13. Honest Muslim Learns The Difference Between The Triunity of God Vs. Oneness

    Honest Muslim Learns The Difference Between The Triunity of God Vs. Oneness

  14. Colossians 1:17 "...in Him all things hold together." He also can destroy

    Colossians 1:17 "...in Him all things hold together." He also can destroy