GELATIN REAL STORY: NO OTHER ANIMAL PROVIDES SOCIETY WITH A WIDER RANGE OF PRODUCTS THAN THE HOG(PIG)….”Of their flesh shall ye not eat & their carcase shall ye not touch”🕎Ezekiel 39,23-29 “THE HOUSE OF ISRAEL”
QUESTION: Do you truly believe in Humanity, Their Learning & Creativity Abilities, Truly Care About You're Students? - Or Is It Just about The Size Of You're Bank Account$ & Following$?
Yuval Noah Harari | "I Never Saw Any Evidence for That (Higher Power). If There Is, It's Not Doing a Good Job. If There Is Some of Higher Power Taking Care of Everything, It's Not Taking Very Good Care of People On This Planet."
Who believes this used car salesman? Democrat Newsom: "I care about people. I don't care who you voted for. I care about Trump supporters. I care about being honest with them as well and level setting with them..."