Artificial Intelligence | "If You're Causing People Not to Take Vaccines, U.S. Should Have Rules, A.I. That Encodes Those Rules?" - Bill Gates + "What Does It Mean That I Own a House? It Means A.I. Says I Own the House." - Harari
Great Reset | "AI Is the Fastest Path to Communism." - GRIMES + "With Artificial Intelligence We Are Summoning the Demon." - Elon Musk + "I Could Be Someone For a Day, I Would Definitely Want to Be Hitler or Stalin. I Want to Unde
Artificial Intelligence | "We Are Going to Think About How We Share Wealth In A Very Different Way Than We Have In the Past. Is It Some Sort of Universal Basic Income?" - Sam Altman (Elon Musk founded OpenAI in 2015 w/ Sam Altman)
Artificial Intelligence | "We Are Going to Have An Opportunity to Push the RESET Button And Think About the World We Want And I Think Universal Basic Income Is a Big Part of That." - Sam Altman (Elon Musk founded OpenAI in 2015 with Sam Altman)
New World Order | Why is the Architects Registration Board Insisting on Pledging Allegiance to the Climate Change Orthodoxy as a Condition of Qualifying as an Architect?