Catherine Austin Fitts | CBDCs | "This Is a Digital System Where the Central Bankers Can Make Rules About What You Can and Cannot Do With Your Money And They Can Enforce Those Rules With Total Surveillance."
CBDC | "You Can't See How They Are Going to Come Together In System Integrated Into Your Body and Your Mind to Institute the Slavery System, Running the Smart Grid Into Your Neighborhood and Into Your Body." - Catherine Austin Fitts
CBDCs | Quant CBDCs & Quantum Tech "The Cloud and Mobile Took 15 Years Now I Think We Are Talking Months." - Satya Nadella, CEO of Microsoft | "CBDCs Are No Longer a Fictional Concept. They Are Happening." - Quant CBDC Founder
CBDCs | "Central Bank Digital Currencies Are Programmable. Every Individual Will Be Given a Certain Amount of Carbon That They Are Allowed to Emit Into the Atmosphere."
CBDC | "With a CBDC a Government Can Program Your Money. China Is One of the World Leaders In Creating Digital Currency, But They Are Also a Leader In Censorship."
CBDCs | "We Are Shaping Wall Street Simply Put. This Is All of Wall Street. This Is It, This Is the Whole Financial Capital Markets Systems. They Are All In. It's Reshaping How Wall Street Operates." - Gilbert Verdian (Founder of QUANT)