1. 308_how to "add a group" with the "groupadd" command

    308_how to "add a group" with the "groupadd" command

  2. 322_how to "see how many packages you have with apt list --installed | wc -l" command

    322_how to "see how many packages you have with apt list --installed | wc -l" command

  3. 297_how to "see the userid" with the "whoami" command?

    297_how to "see the userid" with the "whoami" command?

  4. 298_how to "make directories and subdirectories" with the "mkdir" command

    298_how to "make directories and subdirectories" with the "mkdir" command

  5. 256_how to "see what groups a user is part of" with the "su dash c" command

    256_how to "see what groups a user is part of" with the "su dash c" command

  6. 255_how to "logout of a user account" with the "exit" command

    255_how to "logout of a user account" with the "exit" command

  7. 261_how to "update your local cache" with the "update" command

    261_how to "update your local cache" with the "update" command

  8. 260_how to "change finger information" with the "chfn" command

    260_how to "change finger information" with the "chfn" command

  9. 177_how to "add the write permission to the group permission set" with "chmod"

    177_how to "add the write permission to the group permission set" with "chmod"

  10. 110_how to move the cursor one word with alt left or right arrows

    110_how to move the cursor one word with alt left or right arrows

  11. 226_what are alphabetical permissions?

    226_what are alphabetical permissions?

  12. 225_what are numerical permissions?

    225_what are numerical permissions?

  13. 156_how to decipher file permissions from "mode bits"?

    156_how to decipher file permissions from "mode bits"?

  14. 212_how to "add read and write permission to the other permission set" with "chmod"

    212_how to "add read and write permission to the other permission set" with "chmod"

  15. 199_how to "remove the read and write permissions from the group permission set" with "chmod"

    199_how to "remove the read and write permissions from the group permission set" with "chmod"

  16. 100_what is the difference between ctrl c and ctrl z?

    100_what is the difference between ctrl c and ctrl z?

  17. 202_how to "remove ALL the permissions from the group permission set" with "chmod"

    202_how to "remove ALL the permissions from the group permission set" with "chmod"

  18. 64_how to instantly go to the beginning of the command line with ctrl a

    64_how to instantly go to the beginning of the command line with ctrl a

  19. 63_how to scroll through the text with the arrow keys

    63_how to scroll through the text with the arrow keys

  20. 76_how to capitalize an entire word with alt u

    76_how to capitalize an entire word with alt u

  21. 74_how to highlight portions of your text with ctrl xx

    74_how to highlight portions of your text with ctrl xx

  22. 75_how to capitalize a word or letter with alt c

    75_how to capitalize a word or letter with alt c