1. Zionist Ted Cruz is Against Death Penalty for Child Rapists - Anti-Pride Month Day 2 (2023)

    Zionist Ted Cruz is Against Death Penalty for Child Rapists - Anti-Pride Month Day 2 (2023)

  2. The Government Should Be Punishing Homosexuals - Anti-Pride Month Day 27 (2023)

    The Government Should Be Punishing Homosexuals - Anti-Pride Month Day 27 (2023)

  3. The LGBT Want to Mutilate Children - Anti-Pride Month Day 20 (2023)

    The LGBT Want to Mutilate Children - Anti-Pride Month Day 20 (2023)

  4. Sodomites Are Being Filled With ALL Unrighteousness - Anti-Pride Month Day 19 (2023)

    Sodomites Are Being Filled With ALL Unrighteousness - Anti-Pride Month Day 19 (2023)
