“We can’t force them to tell the truth. But we can make them lie more blatantly”. When we expose them and speak the truth, it will make their lies even more obvious! Keep up the pressure!
Springfield, Ohio, USA. A major train derailment has occurred in Springfield, OH near the Clark County Fairgrounds. A Large Hazmat and emergency responder presence is on scene.
The vent protocols they used to murder your grandparents and relatives freed up tons of time for them to make TikTok dance videos. These are your "Front Line Heroes."
Liberal M.P. John McKay: Canada is UNDER Multiple Existential Threats by the CCP. - "It's in the police, it's in the universities, it's in the schools" it's everywere!
Niagara Falls recently declared a state of emergency for mental health, opioid addiction and homelessness. The Federal Government continues to send illegal immigrants to Niagara, costing the city $5M in social services and has rented out 2000 hotels