1. Do not Allow other people to bad mouth your blessing, because God WILL Do it in your life!

    Do not Allow other people to bad mouth your blessing, because God WILL Do it in your life!

  2. Anyone that believes JESUS is their Messiah is Born Again, and the Victory to Overcome The World!

    Anyone that believes JESUS is their Messiah is Born Again, and the Victory to Overcome The World!

  3. Repentance is a HEART to Heart Moment with the LORD, and NOT a slam the gavel down Moment!

    Repentance is a HEART to Heart Moment with the LORD, and NOT a slam the gavel down Moment!

  4. There will be a Day where Jesus comes, and will it be too LATE for YOU upon his Arrival!

    There will be a Day where Jesus comes, and will it be too LATE for YOU upon his Arrival!

  5. How do you receive from the LORD what YOU are asking for him to do in your life?

    How do you receive from the LORD what YOU are asking for him to do in your life?

  6. There is Spiritual growth that places in your life with the LORD, as YOU grow with him in his word!

    There is Spiritual growth that places in your life with the LORD, as YOU grow with him in his word!

  7. You can receive from the LORD with the right motive, and with a pure heart!

    You can receive from the LORD with the right motive, and with a pure heart!

  8. There is POWER in your Prayers, as there are your PRAISES unto God!

    There is POWER in your Prayers, as there are your PRAISES unto God!

  9. You are what You Practice, and You can live a life that honors God!

    You are what You Practice, and You can live a life that honors God!

  10. You are BLESSED enduring the circumstances that YOU are in, as You wait upon the Lord's return!

    You are BLESSED enduring the circumstances that YOU are in, as You wait upon the Lord's return!

  11. The LORD is coming to bring judgement, and to HONOR those who have been WALKING with him!

    The LORD is coming to bring judgement, and to HONOR those who have been WALKING with him!

  12. Judgement comes for the Wicked that have used their riches for pleasure, and not for the KINGDOM!

    Judgement comes for the Wicked that have used their riches for pleasure, and not for the KINGDOM!

  13. When the LORD Jesus arrives will he find YOU blameless in his sight, and obedience to him?

    When the LORD Jesus arrives will he find YOU blameless in his sight, and obedience to him?

  14. The LORD will show MERCY on WHOEVER He chooses, regardless of how BAD You messed it Up!

    The LORD will show MERCY on WHOEVER He chooses, regardless of how BAD You messed it Up!

  15. The Conduct of Certain People will prove we are living in DANGEROUS Times according to the Bible!

    The Conduct of Certain People will prove we are living in DANGEROUS Times according to the Bible!

  16. The LORD is looking for his PEOPLE to be EXAMPLES of what our FAITH looks like!

    The LORD is looking for his PEOPLE to be EXAMPLES of what our FAITH looks like!

  17. Studying the WORD of GOD is a skill set that YOU learn through your experience with the LORD!

    Studying the WORD of GOD is a skill set that YOU learn through your experience with the LORD!

  18. Did YOU know that You can be set free from the immoral desires of the world, because of JESUS?

    Did YOU know that You can be set free from the immoral desires of the world, because of JESUS?

  19. In ALL of our STRUGGLES, as a PEOPLE, there are mysteries or knowledge found only in Jesus!

    In ALL of our STRUGGLES, as a PEOPLE, there are mysteries or knowledge found only in Jesus!

  20. The POWER of GOD is immeasurable, and able to do exceedingly in everything through YOU!

    The POWER of GOD is immeasurable, and able to do exceedingly in everything through YOU!

  21. The Salvation of Souls is why we PRAY for other people to KNOW Jesus!

    The Salvation of Souls is why we PRAY for other people to KNOW Jesus!

  22. ushavtem mayim! Jewish worship music with English subtitles! Waters of Salvation! Take the free gift

    ushavtem mayim! Jewish worship music with English subtitles! Waters of Salvation! Take the free gift

  23. Local couple surprises kids at Lakeland Salvation Army with Christmas gifts

    Local couple surprises kids at Lakeland Salvation Army with Christmas gifts

  24. Bring Wisdom into your Daily Interactions with others, as they need to hear it from YOU!

    Bring Wisdom into your Daily Interactions with others, as they need to hear it from YOU!
