3 years agoGod of War - A RUÍNA DO MARTELO (CONCLUÍDO) - Completo no CARD FINAL #godofwar #shorts101CWB
3 years agoGod of War - KRATOS vs DEVORADOR DE ALMAS - Completo no CARD FINAL #godofwar #shorts101CWB
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3 years agoGod of War - KRATOS vs BALDUR - BALDUR QUEBRA FEITIÇO - Completo no CARD FINAL #godofwar #shorts101CWB
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3 years agoGod of War - NOVOS CONHECIDOS #1 - Gameplay/Walkthrough Completo no CARD FINAL #godofwar #shorts101CWB
3 years agoGod of War - MAR ABERTO - Gameplay/Walkthrough Completo no CARD FINAL #godofwar #shorts101CWB
3 years agoGod of War - OGRO e SALTEADORES #1 - Gameplay/Walkthrough Completo no CARD FINAL #godofwar #shorts101CWB
3 years agoGod of War - SINDRI #1 - Gameplay/Walkthrough Completo no CARD FINAL #godofwar #shorts101CWB