2015 leaked recording of US State Department official Victoria Nuland discussing how Washington handpicked the post-coup Ukrainian government.This of course was once Soros had successfully orchestrated the colour revolution that overthrew the government.
1986: Manufacturers Threatened to Stop Making Vaccines Unless the Government Granted Liability Protections. "They could not make a profit because the amount of liability they had to pay exceeded their revenue."
Tony Blair calls for "digital infrastructures" to monitor who is vaccinated and who is not for the "vaccines that will come down the line" at Klaus Schwab's World Economic Forum.
Daily Reminder (Jan.19,2023) - Any "Good Doctor's" Not Calling The CONVID-19 "JAB" A BIOWEAPON Is Either Controlled Opposition Or A Pharma Shill Making Money On Other Products!
Nanotechnology Discussion at Medical Conference - International Health Expert Astrid Stuckelberger PhD Questions No Graphene Narrative of (Controlled Opperative Dr Ryan Cole)