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2 years agoHOW TO ALWAYS MAKE PEOPLE SAY "YES" TO YOU - Dan Peña | Abundance Mindset #SHORTS #DANPENACreate Quantum Wealth
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2 years agoYOU MUST STUDY WEALTHY PEOPLE - Grant Cardone | Create Quantum Wealth #shortsCreate Quantum Wealth
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2 years agoAFFIRMATIONS WORK LIKE MAGIC FOR YOU - Dan PeñA |Abundance Mindset #shorts #danpenaCreate Quantum Wealth
2 years agoYOU GOTTA MAN YOUR DEAL UP - Best of Dan Peña | Abundance Mindset #shortsCreate Quantum Wealth
2 years agoYou've Led Bubble Wrapped Lives - Dan Peña | Abundance Mindset #shorts #danpenaCreate Quantum Wealth
1 year agoJoe Rogan discusses school indoctrinating his 5 year old daughter into a antiracist activistRED CACHE
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2 years agoIn 1979, Bill Gates Was Offered $7.5 Million to Sell Microsoft - Steve Ballmer | CQW #SHORTSCreate Quantum Wealth
2 years agoHOW TO MANAGE TIME & STICK TO YOUR SCHEDULE - Dan Peña | Abundance Mindset #shortsCreate Quantum Wealth
2 years agoInvesting Advice from a Billionaire Investor who Turned $10k Into $1 Billion - Thomas Kaplan #shortsCreate Quantum Wealth
2 years agoSET BODACIOUS GOALS & ACHIEVE THEM - Dan Peña| Abundance Mindset #shorts #goalsCreate Quantum Wealth
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