4747 Bounce Baby
life plus censorship
Why Africa Matters
Why Africa Matters
I love God Why should I abuse my temple?
A man that is trying don't need a woman that will nag him
Kevin Gates Who is truly beneficial in your life?
Loses are life lessons
A relationship is not about finding the perfect person
Don't confuse movement with process
As a friend it is my duty to let you know you engaging in self sabotaging behavior
Mental health is very important, but I don't put mental health first
So it's says you're fast with math?
Interesting Facts part 56
I hope for best and I expect the best
Release, Rejoice, Receive: Your Breakthrough Awaits
I'm will not shrink my vision for nobody
This is hilarious
If you want to change, prepared for blood, prepared for tears, and prepared for a long journey
Dr. Umar thoughts on Black Panther