Australian Senator Alex Antic Warning: Government is ramping up plans for a social credit score future with the official release of "Smart Cities" Communist Australia on the horizon
1986: Manufacturers Threatened to Stop Making Vaccines Unless the Government Granted Liability Protections. "They could not make a profit because the amount of liability they had to pay exceeded their revenue."
Under the guise of ensuring Australians don’t engage in “dangerous behaviour” online, citizens will be required to submit 100 points of ID to use social media, with police having access to their accounts, including private messaging.
Tony Blair calls for "digital infrastructures" to monitor who is vaccinated and who is not for the "vaccines that will come down the line" at Klaus Schwab's World Economic Forum.
Daily Reminder (Jan.19,2023) - Any "Good Doctor's" Not Calling The CONVID-19 "JAB" A BIOWEAPON Is Either Controlled Opposition Or A Pharma Shill Making Money On Other Products!
UN Secretary-General António Guterres: "We'll call for action from everywhere with influence on the spread of 'mis- and disinformation' on the Internet."
Is East Palestine Safe? On CNN, EPA Administrator Michael Regan: "This is a FRESH SITE.....As conditions on the ground BECOME SAFE... we can put our scientists and engineers, NOT IN HARMS WAY..."