CBDCs | "You (Joe Biden) Were One of the Most Engaged and Hardest Working Participants Here At the Annual Meeting (The World Economic Forum Meeting Davos)." - Klaus Schwab (Founder of the World Economic Forum Those Father Was Praised by Hitler)
Cyber Pandemic | "Pay Sufficient Attention to the Frightening Scenario of a Comprehensive Cyber Attack. COVID-19 Crisis Would Be Seen As Small Disturbance In Comparison to a Major Cyber Attack." - Klaus Schwab 7/8/2020
il World Economic Forum di Davos 2024 si terrà dal 15 al 19 GENNAIO 2024 a Davos in Svizzera nel Canton Grigioni l'annuale meeting del World Economic Forum di Klaus Schwab che si tiene dal 1971 ogni anno sempre a Davos in Svizzera
Klaus Schwab | "We Deal with 8 Technologies: Self-Driving Cars, Drones, Artificial Intelligence, Precision Medicine, etc. We Now Have the Offer of Governments Like India, China, Japan, Israel and Sweden"