9 months agoWh!stleblower & Critical Care RN, Kimberly Overton describes the “hospital holocaust”WeDoNotConsent
1 year agoDr. Stanley Plotkin testimony regarding aborted fetal tissue used in \/a€€inesWeDoNotConsent
1 year agoFormer ¥outube €£0 Susan Wojcicki’s 19 year old son died from the €0Nvid \/a€€ineWeDoNotConsent
9 months ago€D€ Whistleblower Susan Pierce warning about €0Nvid/Flu quackseens, LU€IF£RAS£, etc.WeDoNotConsent
9 months agoTeacher Amy Capobianco-Diaz states va€€!nated children are becoming very ill & autistic…WeDoNotConsent