After Vaccine Rollout, Student Athletes Are Now Required to Get an EKG (Heart Recording) "If you have received doses of any COVID shot, we will not be able to clear you to compete in sports without performing lab work and possibly an echocardiogram
#PSYOP - Former State Dpt. COVID Investigator David Asher: "It appears that they materially supported the development in part of COVID-19 at the Wuhan institute of virology...and Dr. Fauci was well aware of it. The cover-up started from the highest
Protests erupting in Guangzhou against the CCP’s insane zero-COVID policy! - HEY CANADA 🇨🇦 🇺🇸 THIS IS HOW YOU DEAL WITH TYRANNICAL GOVERNMENT! - WHENEVER YOUR REAY?
Zeee media, Alex CIA Jones, Health Ranger, HOPEGIRL, Jane Rubinstine, And All The FRAUDS Selling Product During War Times! We See Right Through You FRAUD GRIFTERS And We're Comming For Your Viewers! MAY THE BEST MAN WIN!
Yuval Noah Harari | "I Think That Good Nationalists Should Also Be Globalists. If You Really Want to Take Care of the People In Your Nation You Should Cooperate w/ Other Nations. It's Like This In a Pandemic & When We Have to Deal"