Pharmakia (Medical Sorcery) Destroyed, China launches ICBM into Pacific For First Time Since 1980, Donald Trump & Daniel 9:27 Confirmation of the Covenant, Jeremiah 36 & Parallels To The USA, Get Ready! T-Minus 7 Days Till The Feast of Trumpets 24
Trump Declares Himself King, Musk Still Supports MRNA Vaccines, Dr. Exposes Fraud of Vaccines, Liberals Calling For Violent Revolution And How It Ties Into Duduman Prophecy About End of USA
Prophetic Revelations, 52 Days of Nehemiah 6:15, Prophetic Warnings From New Film Bonhoeffer, Recurring Beast-Whore Patterns In History, 2026 Is 250th Anniversary of USA, America Elected The Anti-Christ Trump, Judgment Is Coming
The Bomb Cyclone Cat 4-Hurricane About To Slam The USA, Trump Declares He Will Enact National Emergency And Use Military For Mass Deportations, 90 Year Old Woman in 1968 Prophecies About Trump's Actions Which Leads To WW3, Putin Threatens Nuclear War