Elon Musk | What Is Elon Musk's Vision for the Future? "We Are Venturing Into Deep Sci-Fi Here. I Would Recommend Iain Banks, Culture Books." - Elon Musk + Brain Chips, Self-Driving Cars, mRNA Technology, AI, Carbon Taxes, Etc.
Revelation | How Does the Bible Say It Will End? Revelation 16:12-14: When the Euphrates Dries Up, the False Prophet Shows Up, China & Russia Team Up, the Beast Technology Shows Up & the Beast Technology Shows Up
Technology & Society: Implantable Technology - Turning the Body Into a Wire IEEE Spectrum - W.H.O. Human Gene Editing Advisory Committee - Global One Health - Biodigital Convergence - Human A.I. Machine Learning (WBAN)
The Convergence Of Engineering, nanotechnology, Biotechnology, Information Technology And Cognitive Science the Creative Union Of Sciences, Technologies, Engineering And Peoples, Human Augmentation Bioconvergence