1. Bomb Rush Cyberfunk chapter 6 - Post Game: Prince joined, trying Futurism challenge & Coil joined

    Bomb Rush Cyberfunk chapter 6 - Post Game: Prince joined, trying Futurism challenge & Coil joined

  2. Bomb Rush Cyberfunk chapter 5 - BRC vs Futurism, Coil's 3rd location, Red's final memory

    Bomb Rush Cyberfunk chapter 5 - BRC vs Futurism, Coil's 3rd location, Red's final memory

  3. Bomb Rush Cyberfunk chapter 4 - Rave joined the gang (2nd & 3rd location), 1st clue of Flesh Prince

    Bomb Rush Cyberfunk chapter 4 - Rave joined the gang (2nd & 3rd location), 1st clue of Flesh Prince
