Masterpeace Detox: SCIENTIFIC PROOF > MICROCHIPS & GRAPHENE IN OUR BODIES! REMOVE WITH MASTERPEACE>LINK BELOW! For those jabbed and unjabbed, graphene oxide found in both!
COVID-19 Shots | Are Parasites In the COVID-19 Shots? Can They Cause 4-Foot Long Blood Clots? What Can You Do If You’ve Taken the COVID-19 Shots? Is mRNA Technology In the Flu Shots? + Planet Lockdown Producer James Patrick On CBDCs and The Great Reset
Culture War | Are Parasites Connected to Several Disease States? | Guest: Dr. Jason Dean the Parasite Killer | “You Know You Have Parasites if You Have a Pulse”
🐍 Dr. Bryan Ardis Reveals Ozempic Paralyzes the Stomach and Causes Cancers, Reptile Venoms Found in Pharmaceuticals Causing Illness and Death * All Links Below 👇