6 months agoPart 1 Stop Making Celebrities Your Idols Whitney Houston Was My Idol. Christian TestimonyChristian Testimonials, Bible Scriptures and Commentary
6 months agoPart 2 Stop Making Celebrities Your Idols Whitney Houston Was My Idol. Christian TestimonyChristian Testimonials, Bible Scriptures and Commentary
1 year ago2 Hours of Morissette Reactions | Live Performances [Part 1] | OMG it's Whitney | CompilationWhitney Reacts
2 years ago♉️ Taurus: Leo Season: 5-Card Guidance: Karmic Justice for pain of the past; now you can REBUILD!MarveMadameTarot
2 years ago♒️ Aquarius: They're struggling with gathering the courage they lack to BEG FOR YOUR FORGIVENESS!MarveMadameTarot
1 year ago♌️Leo: This week you're replaying the collapse & failure of your relationship; you’re in separation!MarveMadameTarot
1 year ago♈️ Aries: This week brings the energy of sadness & longing for your past love; bittersweet energy!MarveMadameTarot
2 years ago♎️ Libra:They're mistreatment of you is based on negative self-talk; a turning point is on the way!MarveMadameTarot
2 years ago♏️ Scorpio: Leo Season: 5-Card Guidance: What stands between you & your FOCUS; another or yourself?MarveMadameTarot
2 years ago♐️ Sagittarius:They're at a FORK in the road & are afraid to share the TRUTH for fear of LOSING you!MarveMadameTarot
2 years ago♌️ Leo: They LOVE you & HATE you at the same time; a vicious cycle & games they've mastered!MarveMadameTarot