4 years agoNow TV with Don K. Preston -Isaiah 13 and Like Father Like Son - 9-20-2019Morning Musings On Now TV
4 years ago10-25-19-NowTV-Looking Deeper into Isaiah 34-the Day of the Lord fulfilledMorning Musings On Now TV
4 years ago10-18-19 - Now TV with Don K. Preston - Continuing our look at Isaiah 34Morning Musings On Now TV
4 years ago12-20-19 - A deeper look at the Transfiguration and Christ's coming in the glory of the fatherMorning Musings On Now TV
4 years ago1-3-2020-NowTV-Don K Preston-Looking closer at the Transfiguration and Christ's comingMorning Musings On Now TV
4 years ago11-22-19-Don K Preston- David and the Day of the Lord-The Lord Came DownMorning Musings On Now TV
4 years ago12-13-19-Now TV - Don Preston- Bringing Our Concepts Into Line With God's WordMorning Musings On Now TV
4 years ago10-11-19 with Don K. Preston - Now TV - Isaiah 34-Number 2- A Closer Look at Isaiah 34Morning Musings On Now TV