🚨 IT'S OFFICIAL 🚨 The Democrats Are Openly Plotting To Trigger A Race War In America In A Desperate Attempt To Oust Trump And The Peaceful Second American Revolution He's Leading!
False Flag Terror Attacks Are Being Planned Against Migrant Protests As The Trigger For A Globalist Funded Race-Based Color Revolution Designed To Drive DJT From Office Through Civil War!
“DISEASE X OUTBREAK” + MORE: Right on Time to Disrupt The New Trump Admin and Plunge Earth Deeper into Crisis. We Faces A Triple [+ Bonus] Threat From The Illuminati: 1. WW3, 2. New Plandemic, 3. Staged Race War, and [Bonus] Project Blue Beam! (12/10/
🚨 ELECTION ALERT 🚨 The Illuminati Has Set The Stage for Race-Based False Flag Attacks During a Disputed Election That Are Designed to Trigger Civil War Conditions!
🚨 COUP NOW UNDERWAY 🚨 Race-Based Civil War, Fake Alien Invasion, Nuclear Armageddon, Economic Collapse, Cyber Attack, And New Plandemic—The Illuminati Is Throwing EVERYTHING They Have!