One World Currency | Kim Clement's Daughter & Kim Clement's Widow Jane Clement Discuss the LOOMING ONE WORLD CURRENCY Being Pushed By BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China & South Africa)
Vasectomy | Is America About to Experience An Economic Vasectomy Without Anesthesia? "Brazil, Russian, India, China & South Africa Are Moving Away from the U.S. Dollar!" - Matt Gaetz + Clay Clark's Vasectomy Song (Recorded July 28, 2010
BRICS | Why Are ALL Central Banks Around the World Hoarding Gold NOW? | “Over the Last 3 Years They’ve Printed More Currency Than the Entire History of the United States Before It.”
Eric Trump | Eric Trump Joins Julie Green and Clay Clark: The Make America First Agenda versus The Great Reset Agenda, the Political Persecution of Christians and Trump Family and Julie Green Shares a PROPHESY with Eric Trump