Elijah Streams | Are We Going to Witness The Great ReAwakening Or Klaus Schwab's Great Reset?!!! + PRIME TIME 99 Alex Stein Joins the ReAwaken America Tour!!! I Just Wanted to Say How Much Appreciate Clay. Our Internet Leads Are Up. Everything Is Ham
The Great Reset | The Internet of Bodies & The Fourth Industrial Revolution Agenda Explained, “We Will Be Under Assessment In Every Aspect of Our Lives, What You Eat, Who You Date, How Much Energy You Use...”
The Great Reset | The Internet of Bodies & The Fourth Industrial Revolution Agenda Explained “We Will Be Under Assessment In Every Aspect of Our Lives, What You Eat, Who You Date, How Much Energy You Use"
Jim Breuer + Liz Crokin | The Deal with the Devil Many Celebrities Take In Order to Get to the Top + How Shame and Blackmail Has Been Used to Corrupt Movies, Music & Media + CBDCs & Liz Crokin Exposes the Epstein & Clintons Connection
Yuval Noah Harari | "Figures Like Hitler, Like Stalin Also Tried to Re-Engineer Humans. What Would They Do With the Technologies That I'm Creating Right Now?" (Lead Klaus Schwab Advisor Praised by Obama, Zuckerberg and Gates)
The Great Reset Versus The Great ReAwakening | Who Is the Real Enemy? Who Is the Real Bill Gates? Mikki Willis Describes the Divide and Conquer Strategy of Our Enemies
Dr. Stella Immanuel | "What Is This COVID-19 Vaccine Actually?" + mRNA Explained by Elon Musk, Dr. Robert Malone, Bill Gates, Dr. Peter McCullough, Etc.