Dollar Collapse | "The U.S. Federal Government Debt Has Hit $34 Trillion ($101,230 of Debt Per Person Living In the United States). It Took 3 Months to Add $1 Trillion of U.S. Federal Government Debt." - January 3rd 2024
Katt Williams | "Hollywood Is Not Really There to Entertain You. Show Me One Person (Man) That Ever Wore a Dress Unsuccessfully? I Knew That In the Ritual of Baphomet the Transgender to Show Allegiance to Him You Had to Kiss His ____."
Dr. Judy Mikovits | Why Did Say, "Using Tools That Sam (Altman) Is Providing, Early Cancer Diagnosis Using AI. You Can Design a Vaccine for Every Individual Person. Make That mRNA Vaccine Robotically Using AI" - 1/21/2025
General Flynn | “A Pardon Should Not Mitigate Murder.” - Flynn + Celebrating Early Trump 47 Wins + Why Did Ellison Say? "You Can Design a Vaccine for Every Individual Person. Make That mRNA Vaccine Robotically Using AI."