4 months ago10.20.24: LT w/ Dr. Elliott: BRICS meeting - next phase of monetary reset on Earth, Understand BIBLICAL times, PRAY!And We KnowVerified
4 months agoFrom Flat Earth to Dark Matter, Is Everything We're Taught A Lie? | Challenging Reality w/Mark GoberKim IversenVerified
2 years ago4.4.22: COURAGEOUS leaders STEPPING UP! Major Victories on the EARTH! MANY had to SEE IT! Pray!And We KnowVerified
2 years ago7.10.22: THE ENTIRE earth is waking UP! Many have had ENOUGH! The Battle is BIBLICAL! PRAY!And We KnowVerified
1 year ago3.9.23: KNOWLEDGE of THEIR [DS] SWAMP evil reaching the ENTIRE EARTH! Ever since McCarthy? PRAY!And We KnowVerified
3 years ago2.26.22: The INFORMATION connects SPIRITUAL BATTLE/LIES from the ENEMY! PRAY!And We KnowVerified
3 years ago12.8.21: ARMAGGEDON! CHINA threatens, [DS] wants to take US down with them, NORCIMO? Pray!And We KnowVerified
2 years agoAWK interview with Jim Breuer 4.7.22: His COMEDY is just "COMMON SENSE." His journey uncovered!And We KnowVerified
1 year ago12.22.23: JFK, Aliens/Demons, Nephilim, Northwood, Earth, Bush Fam, Colorado BOOM! Rabbit holes, Pray!And We KnowVerified
21 days agoFlat Earth Dave: 'Trust us or GTFO' - Biblical Earth Dustin: "Welcome Home, Test Us"Dustin NemosVerified
2 years ago8.29.22 - AWK interview with Jamie and Angie of Right To Print - TOUCHING the People of the EARTH daily!And We KnowVerified
1 year agoThey're Lying: The Earth is ACTUALLY Headed For An ICE AGE | Plus Ancient Pyramids, The Lost City Of AtlantisKim IversenVerified
6 months agoThe God Particle, Space Arks, Earth Changes and Ascension: An Interview with Miriam DelicadoExopolitics Today with Dr. Michael SallaVerified
19 days agoDeep Underground Military Bases are being cleared by Earth Alliance - NWO, BilderbergGroup & moreDUMBS and UNDERGROUND ⚔ The Invisible War ⚔
5 months agoInner Earth Unveiled : Deep State / DUMBS & MAGLEVS / Hidden CivilizationsDUMBS and UNDERGROUND ⚔ The Invisible War ⚔
1 year agoCovering The Front Lines Seeing The Real Evils of War | Conversation with Chris HedgesKim IversenVerified
2 years ago3.6.22: Sheila Holm connects GA Guidestones, Ukraine, HELLywood, Cronkite & the EYE! PRAY!And We KnowVerified
6 months agoHypersonic MagLev Trains Connect Dumbs via Global Tunnel SystemExopolitics Today with Dr. Michael SallaVerified
1 year agoThe New Earth Quest ~ The Elephant Brain Philiosophy with Dr. Sam Mugzzi and Digital TomDr. Sam Mugzzi
1 year agoOvercoming Global Elite Agendas and Creating a New Earth: Interview with Sacha StoneExopolitics Today with Dr. Michael SallaVerified
3 years ago2.8.22: The GOOD GUYS are WINNING! The US is connected to the rest of the WORLD! SPECIAL! PRAY!And We KnowVerified
11 months ago3.25.24 "The Tipping Point" on Revolution.Radio in STUDIO B, with BENJAMIN FULFORD, White Hat Military & Intel Community InfoPatriotStreetfighterVerified
3 years ago2.21.22: An ENTIRE Generation of CHILDREN traumatized! How CAN EVIL PPL get by with THIS? PRAY!And We KnowVerified