Florida International University (Miami): Heckler Demands To Know What Makes the Bible Special, I Prove the Bible True, Mocking Jew Eventually Takes Gospel Tract, A Few Sincere Christians Encourage Me, A Great Day of Preaching Jesus to the Masses
Florida State University: Preaching To The Masses And Eventually A Small Crowd Gathers As I Deal With A Gnostic Heckler -- At First The Crowd Is Generally Mocking And Then Sobers As The Holy Spirit Works
Marshall U (West Virginia) The Gentle Rain Made For A Quiet Day, Civil Heckler, Great Conversation w/ A Convicted Hypocrite, Passed Out Gospel Tracts, Edifying Conversation w/ A Sincere Baptist, A Fruitful Day of Preaching Jesus!
Marshall Univ: Atheist Homosexual Very Open To Discussion/Asking Great Questions, Heckler Holds Hugging Sign & Helps Me Draw Crowd of 25-30 Students, "Not Viable" Fetus Is Now A Female Student Who Shares Gripping Testimony, Powerful Day!
Stony Brook Univ: In A Stunning Twist, 100 Students Gather In Sobriety, Raising Hands, Asking Over 50 Very Good Questions, Then Hecklers Return & Crowd Explodes w/ Rage, Police Advise Me To Leave, Christian Students Emboldened To Confront The Darkness
Eastern Kentucky University: One of THE BEST DAYS I've Ever Had On Campus, Very Civil Crowd, Great Questions, Most Hecklers Very Respectful, Handed Out Lots of Gospel Tracts, One Jezebel At The End Needed A Firm Rebuke But Other Than That Great Day!
Iowa State University: Trumpet Heckler Returns, Angry Theist Helps Me Draw A Crowd, Red Headed Lesbian Riles Up The Crowd, Female Heckler From Last Year Returns More Subdued
FAU: Brother Johnny Returns & Helps Me Preach, Hard Hearted & Hostile Hecklers Argue, Some Pure Hearted Christian Students Arrive To Encourage, A Great Day Of Ministry!
University of Kentucky: Fake Moon Landing Guy Rebukes Me & Later Cusses, Lesbian Heckler Creates Her Own Sign, Lots of Fruitful Discussions, Preaching To Thousands As Small Crowd Forms
Eastern Washington University: Homosexual Hecklers Help Me Draw A Crowd Of About 60 Students, Police Presence Helps Keep Things Civil, Several True Christians Come Out To Support Me, Dealing w/ Agnostics & Atheists Most of the Day, Exalting Jesus!
Valdosta State: Clown Heckler Helps Me Draw A Crowd of 50 Students, One Young Man Under Serious Conviction, Exhorting the Lukewarm, Exalting Holiness, A Wonderful Day!
University of Nebraska, Lincoln: Lesbian Hecklers Help Me Draw Large Crowd, Dealing with Atheists, Agnostics, Hypocrites and Sexual Perverts -- Trying to Convince the Students That A True Christian Lives Holy And Stops Sinning