06/28/2023: The net around Joe Biden and Gestapo Chief Merrick Garland is closing as more BOMBSHELLS emerge almost daily // House GOP uncovers the intelligence community is working with Big Tech to silence you
06/29/2023: The US House uncovers ongoing Deep State collusion with Big Tech CENSORING citizens // How the #corporatecommunist Administrative Censorship & Surveillance State are slowing destroying the US from within
07/28/2023: Trump vs. Biden-They claim to know the ID of the "The Boss" but not "The Big Guy"?? // Deranged media go after Trump while turning a blind eye to Biden's TREASON
07/06/2023: HUGE win!! Court blocks Biden regime and CISA THUGS from colluding with Big Tech to censor Americans // Nigel Farage kicked out of UK banking system-We warned you conservatives would be locked out