CBDC | Neel Kashkari President of the Minneapolis Federal Reserve "I Can See Why China Was Doing It If They Wanted to Monitor Everyone of Your Transactions."
End Times Or Best of Times? Persian Mystery: Israel, Iran, & the End Times! Is Biblical Prophecy of Gog & Magog Being Fulfilled?! (Ezekiel 38) + Revelation 16-12-14 Euphrates Dies Up, China & Russia Team Up, False Prophet Shows Up
Dr. Stella | "Judge Fines Trump $364 Million, Eviscerates His Business Empire." - U.S. News + “Judge Bars TRUMP from Running Businesses In NY for 3 Years." - NBCNews (2/16/24) + What Is China Planning? “Woe Unto Them That Call Evil Good
De-Dollarization | "Now the Dollar Could Lose Its Reserve Status Gradually & Then Suddenly. This Could Work Out Pretty Good for BRICS Members Like Russia & China Who Are the Two Largest Gold Producers In The World. Canada Has Zero Gold Reserv