3 years agoYard Tour at American Sentinel K9: Our Bandogs & APBTsBandogs & APBTs by American Sentinel K9
3 years agoDiscussion about bandogs with David Ishee of Midgard MastiffsBandogs & APBTs by American Sentinel K9
3 years agoYard Tour at American Sentinel K9, LLC: March 15, 2021Bandogs & APBTs by American Sentinel K9
1 year agoDeveloping or preserving a line through line-breedingBandogs & APBTs by American Sentinel K9
4 years agoBehavioral Terminology: Video 1 of our "Canine Science Series"Bandogs & APBTs by American Sentinel K9
4 years agoGameness, its importance for work dogs, & closing with levels of gameness.Bandogs & APBTs by American Sentinel K9