8 months ago💉 COVID VACCINES ARE POISON. Is this the dawn of the GREAT RESET ? (Democide by Vaccine)Medjay of Christ
6 months agoCOVID-19 PsyOp WhistleBlowers (MASS DECEPTION) - PART SIX - PREMEDITATED DEMOCIDE (DEMONS)Medjay of Christ
7 months agoKristen Meghan is blowing the whistle on U.S. Geo-Engineering program - new Operation Popeye ?Medjay of Christ
7 months agoCOVID-19 PsyOp WhistleBlowers (VACCINATED ZOMBIES) - Harry Fisher - PART FIVEMedjay of Christ
9 months agoFormer African Warlock expose the New World Order by the Illuminati Occult - PART TWO (NEPHILIMS)Medjay of Christ
8 months agoCOVID-19 PsyOp WhistleBlowers (MASS DECEPTION) - Dr. Ana Mihalcea - PART FOURMedjay of Christ
7 months ago🤯 THEY WANT TO CONTROL YOU - "X" is a motif for inversion of christianity e.g. xxx, dice (OCCULT)Medjay of Christ