w/Col Giraldi PhD CIA Mil Intel: Why Israelis Ignore Everything what Biden/Kamala Say! Also, Thanks to Brainless Baboon Obama, Israel Gets Check for $3B every October First! Nice! Is Bibi the Real President of USA?
Entrepreneur Podcast | "What Gets Measured Gets Done." - Gino Wickman (Best-selling Author of Traction) + Celebrating WindowNinjas.com Success Story + Why Greats Bore Down When Mediocre People Suffer from Mediocrity + The Joy Synthol Injections
VIDEO 166a (oh gaewd kier starmer updater 6 brown sawse 144326062024 (update 1093725062024) waaaaaah hehehehe low res VERY LITTLE TENDS TO BE AN ACCIDENT WHEN THE ROYAL ARE CONCERNED 46 minutes of paranoid data -data has brains who knew who kkkares;-) 182