Mam Lynn Agno || Banking Issues and Crash/NATO war escalation/Train Derailments and Chemical factory explosions/France Protests/Alien invasion/Myocarditis on Pilots/Fauci on annual boosters/Vaccines effects and deaths revealed/Greta Thunberg Story/Ivermec
COVID-19 Vaccine | Vaccine Passport Push Coming Soon? More COVID Lockdowns In China, Social Credit Scores In Action + How Are Social Credit Scores Working Out In China?
CBDCs | Banking Giants & New York Fed Start 12-Week Digital Dollar Pilot | Transaction Data Can Be Used In Terms of, "How Much Coffee I Drink, Where I Buy Coffee, What Kind of Hours I Work."
Tucker Carlson | Kanye West, Robert Kiyosaki, Catherine Austin Fitts & Yuval Noah Harari Explain the Central Bank Digital Currency Vaccine Passport Social Credit Score System
CBDCs | FTX Was an OP That Got Brought Down In an OP...The Goal of the Vaccine Passports Has Nothing to Do With Health. I Call It a Slavery System. Vaccine Passports Are the End of Freedom In the West." - Catherine Austin Fitts