R&B Weekly Seminar: R&B Medical Fellowship (Episode #152 -- Nov. 12th, 2024). Founding ChairMAN: Dr. V. ZELENKO (1973-2022). Co-Chairs: Z. Livshits, B. Saltzberg, F. Zelenko (USA). Speaker: R. Reece (INDONESIA)
R&B Weekly Seminar: R&B Medical Fellowship (Episode #143 -- August 20th, 2024). Founding Chair: Dr. V. Zelenko (1973-2022). Co-Chairs: Z. Livshits (USA). B. Saltzberg (USA). F. Zelenko (USA). Speaker: R. Reece (INDONESIA)
♈️ ARIES | Mid-May 2023: Their Feelings, Intentions, Actions, Your Feelings, The Challenge, The Potential, and Advice! — Includes a 29 Min Introduction to the Channel for Newbies + 2 Predictions for Humanity.