Clay Clark Client Testimonials | "It's Simple, Yet Entertaining! It's High Energy & Hard to Describe. You Smell the Pinion Quote. All These Notable Quotables Are On Wall! Clay Clark Is Super Sharp, But He Combines That With Humor!"
Business Coach | Breaking Down the Quotes & Words of Wisdom from Napoleon Hill + Join Eric Trump & Robert Kiyosaki At Clay Clark's March 6-7 Business Workshop (12 Tickets Remaining Available)
WATCH 24x7! Nov.21,'24: PART ONE Tax & Spend, the Democrats use circular graft to put tax payers money into their own pockets. Then they use kickbacks & quid pro quos to fund campaigns.
WATCH 24x7! Nov.24,'24: PART TWO Tax & Spend, the Democrats use circular graft to put tax payers money into their own pockets. Then they use kickbacks & quid pro quos to fund their campaigns. PART TWO.
WATCH 24x7!! PART ONE- Aired: Nov.21,'24- Tax & Spend, the Democrats use circular graft to put tax payers money into their own pockets. Then they use kickbacks & quid pro quos to fund campaigns.
ON DEMAND! Nov.24,'24: Tax & Spend, the Democrats use circular graft to put tax payers money into their own pockets. Then they use kickbacks & quid pro quos to fund their campaigns. PART TWO.