Ceres & the boot print! Ceres the original moon landing!(Houston mission control video footage)/ July 31st 2024/Pillars of creation/ Pluto the underworld?
Grok | What Is Elon Musk’s Grok A.I. Chatbot? Who Is Elon Musk? Where Did Elon Musk Come From? Why Do Elon Musk, Yuval Noah Harari & Klaus Schwab Agree On? Universal Basic Income, mRNA Technology, Self-Driving Cars & Transhumanism?
My Statement on TRUMP’S UPCOMING ARREST (During This New Moon, No Less) + Collective New Moon Reading: This Unexpected Event Changes Everything! The Missing Puzzle Peace Clicks, and Inner-Standing Hits. The Way Out was Through all Along!
Brave TV - Aug 17, 2023 - The Cabal DESTROYS Sex in America - It's COVID!! It’s Climate Change, Stupid! The White & Black Hats Burning the Chess Board Down.
GEMINI ♊️ March 2023 | #ToughLoveWarning: Guides comin’ in rough! I dunno what to tell ya.. except healed people (or people in process of healing) generally attracted healed/healing people, because these people.. simply reflect each other.
CANCER ♋️ April 2023 — Absolutely Transformational! A Must-Watch for Cancer, and Recommended for ANY SIGN with Cancer Placements in Their Rising and North Node. Possibly the Most Spiritually Expansive Reading I’ve Ever Done for Cancer.
ARIES ♈️ April 2023 — Earning & Learning YOUR POWER, But do Stay Humble and Avoid Self-Sabotage.. + MASSIVE Healing Coming, on Multiple Dimensions! (Rather Convoluted “Saga” and Somewhat Challenging Reading for Me to do)