2 years ago【 What the Bible Teaches About Divorce and Remarriage 】 Pastor Roger Jimenez | KJV Baptist PreachingPreaching New IFB
2 years ago【 What Every Mother Must Do 】 Pastor Roger Jimenez | KJV Baptist PreachingPreaching New IFB
1 year agoBlack Pilled - Pastor Jonathan Shelley | Stedfast Baptist ChurchStedfast Baptist ChurchVerified
10 months agoZechariah 1 - Pastor Jonathan Shelley | Stedfast Baptist ChurchStedfast Baptist ChurchVerified
1 year agoThou Shalt Not Hate - Pastor Jonathan Shelley | Stedfast Baptist ChurchStedfast Baptist ChurchVerified
1 year agoAndrew Tate Exposed - Bro. Dillon Awes | Stedfast Baptist ChurchStedfast Baptist ChurchVerified
10 months agoZechariah 2 - Pastor Jonathan Shelley | Stedfast Baptist ChurchStedfast Baptist ChurchVerified
1 year agoJudas Iscariot - Pastor Jonathan Shelley | Stedfast Baptist ChurchStedfast Baptist ChurchVerified
9 months agoZechariah 3 - Pastor Jonathan Shelley | Stedfast Baptist ChurchStedfast Baptist ChurchVerified
1 year agoWhores, MGTOW - Wasting Your Inheritance - Pastor Jonathan Shelley | Stedfast Baptist ChurchStedfast Baptist ChurchVerified
9 months agoZechariah 5 - Pastor Jonathan Shelley | Stedfast Baptist ChurchStedfast Baptist ChurchVerified
9 months agoZechariah 4 - Pastor Jonathan Shelley | Stedfast Baptist ChurchStedfast Baptist ChurchVerified
1 year agoPurge Out the Old Leaven - Pastor Jonathan Shelley | Stedfast Baptist ChurchStedfast Baptist ChurchVerified
1 year agoRomans 10 - Pastor Jonathan Shelley | Stedfast Baptist ChurchStedfast Baptist ChurchVerified
2 years agoLoud & Stubborn Women - Pastor Jonathan Shelley | Stedfast Baptist ChurchStedfast Baptist ChurchVerified
9 months agoSay Thanks to Mom - Pastor Jonathan Shelley | Stedfast Baptist ChurchStedfast Baptist ChurchVerified