🚨 IT HAPPENED 🚨 RFJ Jr. Intends to Hand Over Blue States to President Trump by Remaining on the Ballot ONLY in Blue States! (FULL SPEECH) | RFK Jr.: "I've Made the Decision to Suspend My Campaign and Endorse President Trump".
UFO Witnesses: The Puzzling Agenda of The “Blue Sirians”! | This Program Seems [Particularly] Designed for an Upcoming Planned Project Blue Beam—The Fear Porn Dominates Over Facts, But it Doesn’t Mean the Stories aren’t Real.
Russell Brand Allegedly Raped Numerous Women. WELL, ALLEGEDLY, BLUE BLOOD "ELITES" RAPE MINORS AS A LIFESTYLE. | Here are the Letters That Blue Bloods and Totalitarians Sent Rumble, and Here's Rumble's Superb Response!