4 months agoBezos's Fake Mea Culpa and Dragon Age - The Latest AAA Disaster - SuperReacts!SuperSpreadersVerified
8 months agoEpisode 341: Tony- Passions into Careers: Tony Tokes 115 on Airsoft, Cannabis, and Content CreationTriFecta Airsoft Podcast
2 years agoLeo WTF Reading Late October - Accept the part of you you left behind, the child within is waiting!JoAaA
2 years agoCancer WTF Reading Late Sept - Who the Hell is this? - Natural justice will see this put rightJoAaA
2 years agoCancer WTF Late Oct + 🎃Bonus, Your Manifestation is right there, only you are blocking this!JoAaA
2 years agoCapricorn WTF - STOP! You are able to heal and give your heart a home...YOU ARE MAGIC!JoAaA
2 years agoTaurus WTF reading Late Sept- Calmer waters ahead, choices to make, Kicking your own A$$!JoAaA
1 year agoGemini WTF Tarot Reading - Physically or Mentally a Move is on the Cards - House or Career! May 23JoAaA
1 year agoCancer Tarot Reading, Don't let the Caos Dictate Your Next Move, Gentle Action Pays Dividends!JoAaA
1 year agoAries WTF Tarot Reading - Stay Connected During Time of change - put your health is first! May 23JoAaA
1 year agoAries WTF Reading April - Lesson Learned - Revisit a Business deal or a Special ConnectionJoAaA
1 year agoAries WTF Tarot Reading Timeless - needing time alone after a false strat highlights whats next!JoAaA
1 year agoAries Tarot Reading -Was this your Happy? Did this pass you by? Bridges can be rebuilt!JoAaA
2 years agoAries WTF Reading Feb 23 massive growth against the Odds! Take your time, your in balanced at last!JoAaA
2 years agoCapricorn Happy new year 2023 - Lots of self-love and healthy boundaries see new beginningsJoAaA
2 years agoGemini WTF Tarot Reading early July - An Ending and a New Beginning after Accepting who you are!JoAaA
2 years agoLibra WTF Reading Late Sept - F*ck it - going to go for it! hard work and clarity leads the way!JoAaA
2 years agoGemini WTF Reading late Nov - Jumbled messages, Some BS, You know what to cut out of your life!JoAaA