SIGHTINGS: Have ET's Returned to the "Holy Land"?, History's Most Terrifying Case of Alien Abduction?, The Development of A.I. a Danger? (Note: This Was Just the Early 90's), and Much More! | [TV Before the CIA Had Full Grasp]
Michael Shrimpton: Barrister & Intel Expert on The Ukrainian/Russian War, Trump, and the Future 🐆 PROJECT CAMELOT — A very different [much more sensible] theory. “The truth is somewhere in between the extremes!”
Who is The Banking System? Is it You? WHAT?…Why!? | Unveiling the Debt-Slave Matrix — Primarily a Spiritually Viewed Conversation and Walkthrough FIRST, Before a Historical One!
Kerry Cassidy Interviews Ian Jacklin—Health & Cures, Vaccine Consequences: May Connect You to “The Borg”(?), Vaccine Detox, Manipulating the Matrix, Ascension, and More! 🐆 PROJECT CAMELOT 3/4/2022
Energy Vampires and Their Effect on Your Physical Health, What About The New Earth/5D?, Dealing with Social Media, The Prayer of Divine Love, and More! ꧁ Dr. Christiane Northrup, MD. on Michael Sandler’s Inspire Nation ꧂