TRUMP MUST INVESTIGATE Maricopa County’s Election Crimes Because Arizona Legislature & US Senate REFUSE To Do Their Jobs But LOVE Violating Their Oaths! 130,000 MISSING Ballots, 47.4% Reject Rate, 20% Vote Centers Erased Results & MORE!
TRUMP WANTS HIS MAGA SENATE SEAT BACK…KARI LAKE WON ARIZONA! Senate Can CALL Hearing, INVESTIGATE Massive Maricopa County Election Maladministration & GIVE TO LAKE! 130,000 Missing Ballots & MORE. ONLY Need 1 SENATOR…DEMAND IT!
#328 Maricopa County Is MISSING 130,000 Ballots, ERASED Results & ILLEGALLY Recounted 20% Of Vote Centers + Kari Lake WON Arizona! Senate Can CALL Hearing To INVESTIGATE Massive Election Maladministration! ONLY Need 1 US SENATOR…DEMAND IT! | SG ANON
#328 TRUMP WANTS HIS MAGA SENATE SEAT BACK …KARI LAKE WON ARIZONA! Senate Can CALL Hearing, INVESTIGATE Massive Maricopa County Election Maladministration! 130,000 Missing Ballots & MORE. ONLY Need 1 SENATOR…DEMAND IT! | SG ANON
The Bible is about the return of the Prince of Peace, King of Kings, Wonderful Counselor, AND Great Physician, but every word about the 2nd coming has been sealed up for 1680 years!