Billy Praises Sitchin—Warns of the Weak, Conspiracy-Driven Thru Victim-Consciousness, FearFUL & Fear-BREEDING, Typical Kind of the Spiritual/Truther-Community (You’ll Run into Lots of Them and You May be One). + Who is Enlil (Yahweh), and Amen-Ra!
You’re About as Racist as the Annunaki, as Good as Them, as Bad as Them, as Manipulative as Them, Just Like Them.. This is Where You get it All from. How do We Transcend That?—We’re Basically Doing it Now! + Illuminati Bloodlines. | Billy Carson
Revitalizing Our Food, Farms, and Soil: Farmers Speak! (8/3/23) | With Respect to President Trump it's RFK Jr. That Owns These Topics Which Trump Seems to Miss.