Canadians are living in gestapo horror. Get fired up as these gents reveal and describe how to turn it around.
Rockefeller directed music frequency shift from 432 Hz to 440 Hz destroyed humanity.
Trump never conceded the Presidency so how does he legally return as an "Oath Keeper?"
Dr. Forti gives account of Lahaina abnormalities and psychics insights on China invading America.
The new C60EVO Youth Re-new is a major hit! 11:11 electric info on toxic grids in homes and cars!
Exposing the coming Fake Alien Invasion so advanced technologies can be revealed.
Malaria Plandemic, Where do the religions breakout in consciousness and rioting?
We are in WWIII and the white hat military special forces are removing targets.
Vaccination death spikes and falling birth rates. Border invasion consequences rising.
Who will go to the failing Illuminati (deep state) 15 minute cities? The vaccinated?
Is the stock market collapse beginning? What will precious metals do? Q&A
First hand accounts from locals in Maui active in supporting Lahaina victims and spiritual attack.
Sasquatch, UFO's, disappearing people & dark energy lines being flipped to positive service for all.
Vertical Diet: How Stan Efferding became the icon of a healthier you
Overcoming the generational child sexual abuse to presidents of the US with insights all can utilize.
George Floyd false flag color revolution, Covid shot nano particle venom, the bee die off.
As the next bioweapon variant is beginning to impact arm yourself with a potent health weapon.
Spiritual Warrior Roundtable on overcoming inter-dimensional evil and biblical times.
History and rise of the deep state, Ukrainian Kazarian Mafia, Soviet Union, Hitler and Lincoln.
Quantum healing beds that reverse ageing, Increase brain coherence, recharge and more
Speaking with Angels, Portal Energies, Sacred Places, Ancient Culture connections and more.
Graphine Oxide in our bodies by: injections, air, water and food then manipulated by cell towers.
Intuitive reading for August reveals much that is hidden. Writers block? unlock automatically!!
International Human Rights Lawyer Leigh Dundas on Military Jams & Canadian Truckers.