1 year agoFire Emblem Engage - Hard Classic - FINALE: The Last Engage (Chapter 26)Metal Smasher Gaming
4 years agoMidnight Castle Succubus DX (Steam) - Hard Mode 100% - Part 2: City of IllusionsMetal Smasher Gaming
3 years agoSunday Longplay - Super Metroid + A Link To The Past (SMZ3) Randomizer - Keysanity Run #1Metal Smasher Gaming
3 years agoSunday Longplay - Castlevania 3: Gold Edition (NES ROM Hack) - Alucard's Path, 2nd LoopMetal Smasher Gaming
4 years agoDoom 2: Back To Saturn X Episode 2 - Map 18: Strange Fates For Theodore (UV-Max)Metal Smasher Gaming
4 years agoDoom 2: Back To Saturn X Episode 1 (Switch Add-On) - Map 7: Arachnobeliever (UV-Max)Metal Smasher Gaming
4 years agoDoom 2: Back To Saturn X Episode 1 (Switch Add-On) - Map 19: Christmas Golf Asphyxiation (UV-Max)Metal Smasher Gaming
4 years agoSplatoon 2 - Halloween Splatfest Encore: Trick vs. Treat Rematch - Pro Battles (Team Treat, US)Metal Smasher Gaming
1 year agoSplatoon 3 - 1st Anniversary Splatfest: Shiver Vs. Frye Vs. Big Man - Day 2 w/@GamesPerJustinMetal Smasher Gaming
1 year agoSplatoon 3 - 1st Anniversary Splatfest: Shiver Vs. Frye Vs. Big Man - Day 1 Pro BattlesMetal Smasher Gaming
1 year agoSplatoon 3 - Big Run #5: Barnacle & Dime Blowout Sale - Day 2 With @GamesPerJustinMetal Smasher Gaming
2 years agoSunday Longplay - The Thief And The Cobbler (Super Mario Bros. 2 NES ROM Hack)Metal Smasher Gaming
4 years agoDoom 2: Back To Saturn X Episode 1 (Switch Add-On) - Map 1: BTSX Contractual Obligation (UV-Max)Metal Smasher Gaming
3 years ago20XX (PC) - "Fervor" + "Goliath" Achievements (Wrath, Undying, Furor, Swarm, No Damage Ups)Metal Smasher Gaming
4 years agoSuper Mario Maker 2 - Endless Challenge (Normal, Road To 1000 Clears) - Levels 641-660Metal Smasher Gaming
5 years agoHyrule Warriors DE - Legend Mode (Hero, 2nd Skulltulas) - Linkle's Tale: The Girl in the Green TunicMetal Smasher Gaming
4 years agoEpic Battle Fantasy 3 (Epic Mode) - FINALE: The Ancient God Akron (Final Boss)Metal Smasher Gaming
4 years agoEpic Battle Fantasy 3 (Epic Mode) - Part 9: Out of the Frying Pan... (Protector Boss Fight)Metal Smasher Gaming
4 years agoMidnight Castle Succubus DX (Steam) - Hard Mode 100% - Part 4: Storming the CastleMetal Smasher Gaming
4 years agoMidnight Castle Succubus DX (Steam) - New Game+ 1: Alternate Succubus Hunter, Bad EndingMetal Smasher Gaming